Google Search
Search Ads, a vital part of Google Ads, connect businesses with customers actively seeking their products. These ads, appearing atop search results, capture targeted, high-intent traffic using precise keyword targeting. With detailed analytics for performance tracking and campaign refinement based on real-time data, Search Ads are essential for enhancing visibility and driving focused business growth.
Google關鍵字廣告是一種強大的網絡營銷策略,能全面並有效利用搜尋引擎來進行網絡行銷和推廣,讓企業以最小的投入,獲得最大來自搜尋引擎的訪問量。Google關鍵字廣告是以按點擊收費,所以你需要確保每一點擊能為你帶來利潤而不是僅僅展示而已。KICK ADS可以幫助你識別公司利潤最高的關鍵字及撰寫引人入勝的文案,讓你以極具成本效益的方法推廣公司的服務和產品,增加銷售額!
當你正在溺水時,您會拒絕救生圈嗎? 關鍵字廣告的強大之處是讓企業在適合的時機,將廣告放在有意慾購買的客戶面前。這是企業增加潛在客戶和提高銷售額最直接的方法。如果你不採用Google關鍵字廣告,那就如同雙手奉上你的市場份額給你的競爭對手。你是否已準備好展示網路營銷的力量?KICK ADS將為你護航,助你達到業務目標。
如果我們無法通過關鍵字廣告為你的企業帶來利潤,請停止與我們合作。點擊易求,拿取轉換就需要一定功夫了。要記住,不是所有網站流量都能為你帶來銷售的,KICK ADS不僅是要幫助你提高網站點擊率,更是要給你高質素的流量將點擊轉化為銷售或銷售,為你的企業帶來盈利!我們不斷改善和進步,務求為你的業務帶來更高的投資回報率。
客戶 評價
It has been our pleasure to work with the SEM & GDN team in Kick Ads. After detailed inspection and understanding of our needs, they provide us with up to industry standard’s insight and explicit advice for us to properly define our goal for SEM & GDN campaign. Every week we would receive report from Kick Ads and it has provided us with a comprehensive insight of our campaign’s performance, and the adjustments to be made to help further boost the campaign’s performance. Their seamless service has definitely helped us to generate 50% more leads than the previous year, and you would not regret your choice to work with them!
Kick Ads’ proposal is circumstantiated and straight to the point. They are responsive and always willing to help. They enlightened us with a lot of effective suggestions. On top of that, they possessed exceptional Google Ads skills. In a nutshell, I will most definitely recommend Kickads if you are looking for a skillful online marketing company.
An efficient, responsive and creative digital agency. Appreciate the passion and all the valuable insights given.
Recommend to all enterprises that are looking for “out-of-the-box” agency.