分析及了解網站流量:GA4 Channel Grouping定義
One of the main goals of Google Analytics is to identify the most effective channels, advertising campaigns, and content for attracting new customers or traffic.
One of the main goals of Google Analytics is to identify the most effective channels, advertising campaigns, and content for attracting new customers or traffic.
Before diving in, I recommend reading my article on GA4 Guide first. With a solid understanding of GA4, you’ll find this article much more helpful.
深入了解2023年的GA4教學。這篇文章將指導你從GA4的基本概念到高級設定,確保你完全掌握Google Analytics 4的所有功能。無論是初學者還是專家,這都是你需要的完整指南!
Have you ever wondered why your Google Analytics 4 (GA4) conversions are lower compared to Universal Analytics (UA) after the shift in July 2023? As
Introduction Google Ads for Sales & Revenue Google Ads is increasingly significant and widely practiced in today’s e-commerce strategy to increase sales and revenue.
If you are a Google Ads user, you may already know that Similar Audiences will no longer be available and will be completely removed on
Google has announced the launch of new Video campaign types (Video View and Demand Gen) to cater to specific needs and objectives. Let’s take a
In Google Marketing Live 2023 lately, the event has announced new features to improve campaigns, aiming to provide a more effective ad experience to consumers
Google has been always keeping users updated on their improvements and new features to make sure that advertisers can always have a better user experience
Google即將為Performance Max Campaign (最高成效廣告系列) 推出4項全新功能,讓廣告商可以更好的控制以及了解Performance Max Campaign的成效。 另外,Google也推出了 2 個新工具,以提升Search Campaign (搜尋廣告系列) 的表現。讓我們開始吧!
在一月份,Google Ads 宣布了有關帳戶關鍵字的升級設置,當中包括添加排除關鍵字的新功能和移除重疊的關鍵字的功能升級。另一方面,Google亦對GA4進行了一些更新, 讓我們一起了解吧!
正如我們所知,從2023年7月1日開始,Universal Analytics 將停止服務。 如果你仍然依賴 Universal Analytic,那麼是時候為使用 Google Analytics 4做好準備。
歸因模式是指一組規則,用於決定轉換功勞應如何歸因或分配到轉換路徑中的不同接觸點。 常見的情況是,在客戶下決定前一般會經歷多個網站的互動,因此考慮最終是什麼推動了他們的轉換或行動尤其重要。
我的文章一直以來都強調 Conversion (轉換) 及 CPA (每轉換成本) 的重要性,但現實上有不少中小企都忽略了網站轉換設定的重要性,甚至並未在 Google Ads 上設置轉換。
如果你不熟識Google Analytics,想知道它是什麼和如何使用,那麼你就一定要看看這篇新手指南。